Cleansing treatments

Each facial treatment is customized. If someone is looking for a solution to a specific problem, I do not provide template treatment either. We will check the condition of your skin and talk a little about the factors that all affect the functioning of the skin. Armed with this information, we set out to achieve the desired goal. The reason for this is that if someone visits with pigmented, edematous, or red-prone skin, the initial problem is not the same for all guests. The above symptoms can develop for different reasons. If we look for a real solution to a real problem, then we will achieve the goal that is sustainable and can be incorporated into everyday skin care at home. This is the difference between a symptomatic treatment and a real solution.

Cleansing, salon treatment, home routine, the three pillars of conscious, lifestyle skin care. Both the salon treatment and the home routine will be effective if the skin is cleaned from time to time. During cleaning, the skin gets rid of excess sebum and sebum (oxidized black or white comedones), its natural function is stimulated, its absorption capacity increases, so the products used in the salon or at home are absorbed and utilized in the skin. If you feel that the creams are not absorbed, but remain on your face and peel off, then maybe your cream is not suitable for your skin, but you definitely need to clean it.
The salon treatment is a series of treatments with highly active products, after which the skin receives the appropriate nourishing, anti-inflammatory, etc. you receive a targeted treatment, the effect must be supplemented with a home skin care routine, the effect of the salon treatment is thus prolonged, therefore it is part of the salon treatment. This is how this trio is connected.

During cleaning, softening is done gently, with enzyme peeling and softening poultices, I do not use steam.

During the cleaning process, I do NOT use intensive methods that cause bruises or other injuries!

Facial cleansing treatment with skin renewing method, according to skin type ('180)

A thorough and complete cleansing facial treatment consists of at least 2-3 treatments depending on the skin condition. That’s how many times it takes me to cleanse my entire face pore by pore. A thorough cleaning takes 3 hours, please plan with this time.

Its advantage is that all pores are cleansed of all sebum, horns and dirt contained in them. Thus, the renewal process of the skin starts naturally, so the previously thickened skin regains its natural state, its absorption capacity increases, so the products used in the salon and at home are properly absorbed and utilized in the skin. With the help of this method, the skin renewal process starts without sensitizing it with special mechanized mechanical processes. 

During cleaning, softening is done gently, with enzymatic peeling and softening compresses, I do not use steam. 

During the cleaning process, I do NOT use methods that cause intense bruising or other injuries!

Treatment procedure: cleansing, toning, peeling, enzymatic softening compress (’20), manual, gentle skin cleansing with needle, spooning technique, disinfection (Vio), soothing, closing cream with sun protection, advice on home skin care.

Back cleansing treatment

I do the back cleansing treatment similarly to facial cleansing. 

Treatment procedure: cleansing, toning, enzyme peeling, cleaning, disinfection, sedation

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